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午间学术沙龙第156讲——卫赫 博士
来源:高研院  作者:高研院  添加时间:2021-12-28 18:15:00  浏览:


    主  题:Applications of fractional calculus in science and engineering

    报告人:卫赫(Vahid Reza Hosseini)博士

    时  间:2021年12月30日(周四)12:30

    地  点:高研院会议室(建工楼B1210)

【报告摘要】Fractional calculus (FC) is an emerging field in mathematics with deep applications in all related fields of science and engineering. However, we are still at the beginning of applying this very powerful tool in many fields of research. At this moment, the fractional calculus has opened its wings even larger to cover the dynamics of complex real world and new ideas are starting to be implemented and tested on real data. In some cases, some patents were granted which make the tool of FC very promising. Though fractional calculus was introduced more than 300 years ago and applied into many fields of science and engineering, the promotion of applications is still an important task of the FC community. When we talk about FC with scientists and engineers outside of our community, two of the most frequently asked questions are about how FC has been applied and how scientists can apply it to their respective fields. Meanwhile, many FC researchers in theoretical fields are also not familiar with the application aspects. we should recognize that FC is not universal but has its own place in application; hence, providing some important existing successful applications of FC can offer a guide on application studies in the future.

【报告人简介】 Vahid Reza Hosseini's Bio: Vahid is a Postdoctoral at the School of Materials Science and Engineering in Nanchang University. He did his Ph.D. study at the Hohai University in Nanjing, China, and spent a year as a postdoctoral scholar visiting in the OLS at the Mississippi and Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU), working on computational mechanics. He joined Nanchang university in 2019, refining some numerical methods to solve the problem arising from engineering, chemistry and physics. His current research interests are Predynamic, Deep learning, DMDs (Dynamic mode decompositions), Meshless method, Partial differential equations, Fractional differential equations and their applications in mechanics.

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